The year is off and running and everyone is working hard. This year we are concentrating on establishing and practicing “The Mindset of a Champion” based on the Athabascan Values. Every two weeks we will put up a new value and the staff will award a “Warrior Head” to those we see exhibiting that value. At the end of the two weeks we will have a celebration honoring each of those students and a drawing will be held for a special reward for the winner of that drawing.
In the classrooms, the students are working hard and you will see everything from K-2 starting their mornings with the “Good Morning Song” to the 3-5 students doing cool Science experiments, to the middle school students working on Cultural readings in language in their English and Social Studies classes and Alaska Mushing in Science. Our H.S. students are also busy in their classes and are using Odysseyware to enhance their learning opportunities as well as a dual credit Vet Tech class. Needless to say everyone is very busy.
The community hosted a “Teachers Welcome Dinner” for us and as you can see in the picture- we ate well. It was a very nice evening and we all enjoyed our time and felt very welcomed.
As a small gesture of our appreciation as well as to show off our school a little, we will be hosting an “Open House and Spaghetti Feed” for the community on September 11, 2017 from 4:30-6:30 with the staff serving dinner at 5:30. If you available please come by and see what we have going on at Walter Northway School.
Lastly, we would like to thank everyone for allowing us the opportunity to work with the students of AGSD - it is an honor.
This little fella heard we are doing some cool things here and wanted to come check it out!
This is our “Warrior Board” with our Athabascan Values motto.
Our "Hand" tree.
Brain Tanned Moose and Beaver for our "Alaska Mushing" class.
Our Community hosted a "Welcome Teachers" dinner
Someone's plate was certainly FULL!